Sandia Crest Bowhunters Association

Gate key will change April 1st 2024.
Please purchase a new membership and 2024 gate key.
Thank you!
Welcome to Sandia Crest Bowhunters Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to the sports of bowhunting and field archery. We are a community of archers that share a common love and respect for the outdoors, archery and our beautiful range.
We maintain a 4 star 28-target field range, a practice range (10 to 100 yards) and 5 targets for the American Round enthusiasts.
We hold many 3D and NFAA shoots during the year, run a 3D League beginning in June and through July, and also participate in the NFAA regional and sectional shoots.
Our ranges are secure with member-only key access. Nonmembers are welcome to come check out the range once a year with a current member, or attend one of our events with no obligation to join.